Olive tea – The alternative to everything

Olive tea – The alternative to everything

Olive Leaf Tea may be the solution for you if you are seeking an alternative to green tea without the caffeine and with the increased health benefits. Green tea already has a reduced amount of caffeine when compared to coffee or black tea. However, if you want a zero caffeine solution then the option is a herbal olive leaf infusion.

Let’s know more about olive leaves!

This tea is made from dried olive leaves and olive tree bark. The olive tree (oleaeuropea) is native to the Mediterranean region, Asia, and Africa. It is a small evergreen tree with 4 to 10 cm long green silvery leaves and small white flowers.

Olive leaves have been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. It was considered a sacred tree in Ancient Greece and thus is used as a fuel the flames of ancient Olympic games.

The unprocessed leaves of the olive tree contain oleuropein, an antioxidant responsible for most of its health benefits, as well as several other polyphenols and flavonoids.

IMPORTANT FACT: Olive leaves contain three times more antioxidants than green tea.
Today the olive is ever-present in Mediterranean cuisine and olive oil holds the reputation of being one of the healthiest cooking oils.

Let’s look at some health benefits this elixir has to offer.

Benefits of Olive tea!

Olive tea is good for your heart because it dilates coronary veins, increasing the blood flow and thus helping to regulate your heartbeat.
Olive leaf tea is caffeine-free. This means you will receive a boost of energy without the harmful effects of caffeine, and you can have it at any time of the day without worrying about the sleepless nights.
Having problems with your cholesterol level? This tea reduces levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), helping your heart to beat to a much healthier rhythm.
Olive leaf extract has triple the antioxidant capacity of green tea and four times the content of Vitamin C, that’s why this tea is said to be a better alternative to green tea.
Olive leaf tea nourishes the immune system.
An infusion made with olive leaves and olive tree bark can bring down fevers and fight germs.
The cold season coming? Then it’s best to know that this tea fights colds and the flu.
Many studies indicate that olive leaf herbal tea produces anti-viral action in the body, as it stops viral replication in cells.
It is anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, in other words, it is the natural killer of pathogens by stopping their reproduction process. That is why it is also called the best tea for health.

What are the other uses of Olive leaves?

This herb may be taken in the form of olive leaf capsules that are sometimes taken as a natural health supplement; olive leaf extract, which in turn is used in the world of cosmetics, particularly in skincare products.
Ageing effects can also be reduced with the regular consumption of Olive leaf extract and it can also stimulate the immune system.
Chewing olive leaves in the morning can help cure gingivitis and mouth inflammation.
Olive infusion is what you get when you combine the best of all worlds in your teacup. You can buy yourself a pack of olive tea at www.oliria.in

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